Schedule a Presentation with Steven Bradley

Complete the form to connect with Steven about setting up a workshop in your area or with your organization.

Steven is a certified Law Enforcement Professional, certified Domestic Violence Advocate, and National Trainer with over 20 years of experience and trainings provided across the U.S. and abroad. In July 2022, Steven was the keynote speaker at the NCJFCJ 85th Annual Conference, and he will also be presenting at the upcoming FL AFCC Annual Advanced Education Program in September 2022.

Steven is known for his real-world education and hands-on workshops, leaving attendees with practical takeaways that can be immediately applied to both your practice and your everyday life.

Steven offers workshops on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
  • The intersection of Technology, Domestic Violence, and Family Law
  • High-Tech Stalking and Domestic Violence
  • Cyberstalking 101
  • Doxxing 101: Are You Safe?
  • Collecting, Preserving, and Presenting Digital Evidence
  • Risks and Dangers of Social Media

Steven Bradley
OurFamilyWizard Professional Liaison

After being recruited by the FBI, Steven Bradley graduated the FBI Academy with honors and began combating many types of technology crimes including child pornography, cyberstalking, financial exploitation, and apprehending child predators.

Later in his career, Mr. Bradley worked with domestic violence/sexual assault centers on bridging the gaps between law enforcement and community partners to better support survivors and victims.

As part of the Our Family Wizard professional team, Mr. Bradley further promotes the empowerment and healthy communication between separated and divorced parents via technology.

About OurFamilyWizard

Working alongside clients on OurFamilyWizard, family law and mental health practitioners can assist families to move beyond conflict and co-parent with confidence. OurFamilyWizard's web and mobile applications offer parents living separately an array of tools to easily track parenting time, share important family information, manage expenses, and create an accurate, clear log of co-parenting communication.