Understanding Florida’s New Parenting Coordination Training Requirements: How to Make Sure That I Comply
April 19, 2023 12:00 - 1:30pm EST
Did you know that PCs must complete 16 hours of continuing education by December 31, 2023? Florida has adopted new training rules that require PCs to send applications to each circuit and complete continuing education. In this 90-minute webinar, PCs will receive step-by-step instructions on maintaining their PC qualification status and complying with the new training requirements by the end of the year.
Attendees will earn 1.5 hours of parenting coordination continuing education credit.
- New initial PC qualification application process
- PCCE cycle dates & deadlines
- Breakdown of types of credits and number required for each type
- Determining if a training qualifies for PCCE
- Reporting credit hours simultaneously to multidisciplinary boards
- Education opportunities that satisfy each type of PCCE
- Completing and submitting the PCCE Affidavit
- Separate reporting for each circuit where PC is qualified
- Where to go if you have questions
- Q/A
Shana Duehring, Esq.
Shana is the Founder of Our Family Parenting Coordinator which provides education and consultation services to parenting coordinators, as well as parenting coordination and private family law guardian ad litem services. As an expert consultant, she plays an integral role in helping parenting coordinators build effective practices using policies, procedures and technology and routinely educates attorneys and judiciary throughout Florida on effective parenting coordination. Shana is a member of the Florida Bar, Chair of the Florida Bar Family Law Section Rules & Forms PC Subcommittee, an Executive Board Member of both the Florida AFCC and Canakaris Family Law Inn of Court, and Facilitator of the PC Roundtable. Additionally, she is a national speaker on safely digitizing the practice of parenting coordination and is developing a custom billing software solution for parenting coordinators. Shana resides in Tampa Bay, Florida.

About OurFamilyWizard
Working alongside clients on OurFamilyWizard, family law and mental health practitioners can assist families to move beyond conflict and co-parent with confidence. OurFamilyWizard's web and mobile applications offer parents living separately an array of tools to easily track parenting time, share important family information, manage expenses, and create an accurate, clear log of co-parenting communication.